
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Increase Time On-Task with QR Codes

What is a QR code? Well, a QR code is like a barcode that get's scanned at a cash register to indicate the item's price.  To give you an image to attach to an existing schema, I put a customized QR code after this paragraph.  With iPads, iPhones, and iPod Touches, students can turn these devices into handheld scanners.  

Are you sick of watching students mistype web addresses?  Use QR codes in the classroom to circumvent this problem.  QR codes can definitely increase time on-task. Instead of having students type out long web addresses, they can link directly to a website with a quick scan.  

At the same time, QR codes can also be plain old fun and somewhat mysterious.  The mystery around why QR codes are placed around a classroom can be the hook needed to draw students into an instructional task.  

Work from Leaders of Thought

Last week, I read and watched two oldies but goodies.  The first was an older blog post by Cool Cat Teacher on using QR codes, and I also watched the Learning in Hand podcast from Tony Vincent on using QR codes in the classroom.  I would suggest reading her blog post and watching Tony’s  podcast.   

Tony presents plenty of ideas on using QR codes in the classroom.  I definitely recommend checking out his website Learning in Hand.  Here is a list of some sources and ideas he recommended:
  1. ClassTools - Create a QR scavenger hunt for students.  
  2. QRStuff - This site just has a lot of options for using QR codes.  
  3. Delivr - Delivr is a QR code generator that shortens your URL at the same time.  When a URL is too long, the QR code becomes more complex.  
  4. QRHacker - Allows users to add images or change the colors.  
  5. Google Forms - Have students or parents link to a Google From Online.  
  6. Link QR codes to websites like MathTrain or Khan Academy for assistance with math concepts.  
  7. Link students to a message of the day recorded at QR Voice or Record mp3.
  8. 75 Ways to Say Good Job: A QR Enabled Poster - Use QR codes to link to online praise for the students.  
  9. Do Try This at Home - On this blog, the author has posted several QR code related worksheets.  If the student needs assistance on solving a problem, the QR code will link them to additional support.
  10. BingoBaker - Create bingo boards for students.  For instance, right your content area words on the board and callout the definitions for students to mark.  If you link students to your specific Bingo sheet, they get a unique bingo sheet every time the QR code is scanned.  
How can you integrate QR codes into your classroom? 

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