So, what resources are out there for the Presidential Election?
Searching the for reliable sources can sometimes make your head spin, but what a great way to make students' heads spin. Teach students to evaluate a website's validity. To take it a step further, students can also learn the meaning behind biased content. After researching content, students should create a persuasive product that extols the merit of their party or candidate.Because a Romney vs. Obama debate could get too heated and their are only so many Romney/Obama presentations one can take, some teachers are using historical figures as presidential candidates. From this, students must persuade their classmates to vote for their chosen candidate. For instance, one group of students is constructing a persuasive product to convince others to vote for Michael Jordan.
- What are you doing in for the election?
- Are students relating to this current event or are they apathetic to the 2012 Presidential Election?
- How can you leverage this current event to create authentic learning experiences?