Today, I found a new website through one of my social networking accounts. I saw a post from @plnaugle. As it does so often, my Personal Learning Network (PLN) worked for me today. Connecting and plugging into these social sites encourages learning on so many levels. An older post of discusses the concept of a PLN further. Use PLNs to learn, link, and discover the your professional potential.
From the Connected Learning website, I saw an interesting photo, title, and last a video by Jabiz Raisdana (aka Intrepid Teacher). On his website I saw this graphic by Andrew Churches.
I will leave you with a video that I found on the Educational Origami Wikispace page--created by Andrew Churches. the last resource I watched on my path.
So,connect to others with similar interests and learn. School isn't the only time we learn. In fact, it is truly limited piece of the pie. Encourage outside of school and create lifelong learners.
I love how clicking on one link from a member of our PLN will often lead us to another and then another resource. I'm glad I got you started on your learning journey today.